Assalamualaikum, selamat datang, selamat melawat dan segalanya. Alhamdulillah atas segala kurniaan Allah. Enjoy reading here and sorry for everything if terkeluar ayat kasar or what so ever. InshaAllah, will update this blog every week, maybe? I pour my heart and thoughts here. Thank you so much for reading!
Keep calm and love ALLAH.
hi my sweetheart!
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Alhamdulillah. Hehehe. Wow sweet heart gitchuuu. Aaaa macam geli kan? But whos care? Ehem! Sorry this is not for my boy. Allahu, i dont hve boy kahkah lantak pi hokay :) Here is my girl, Yanarobots jengjengjeng...
*bagi gambar tak senonoh dlu*
Liyana Athira bt Roslan. Wuish!! Like seriously tak pernah sangkaa kita akan berkawan until now! and now youre my girl after my ibu yeay *clap your hand please* HAHAHA. Sumpah 2012 i still ingat u panggil i zurin bcos my twitter name :p We know each other dkt twitter rite? Pobondo weh, memalu nak tegur dkt sekolah hahaha. Then, u boleh pulak mintak no i? Since situ kot kita lagi rapat acah acah otp gitu ha kauuuu! Then 2013, Allahu sama kelas dengn budak ni pulak. Still remember Nurin pernah cakap "Ok lahtu! Nanti mesti kau jadi kawan baik Yana" But! i know takkan punya :(( Sebab Yana bestfriend sehati sejiwa dengan Mimi dulu. HAHAHA but i dont care that time sebab i have Hanan hehee. Seriously even satu kelas, but we just pandang pandang senyum je ha cakap jarang sekali la kan? Cos im really pemalu girl :p Dulu beratur pun tanak dengan kelas tu HAHAHA what the......
2014, tak sangka pulak kita dpt masuk teknik sama sama. Eee adakah ini jodoh? Kkk tak. But kita tak sama course pun haha tapi kelas kita atas bawah je kan? Nak jumpa pun susah kot. Melainkan waktu perhimpunan tu pun kalau this girl datang awal! HAHAHA ni salah satu outsider yang datang lambat ni aduh what a shame? :p Bila form 5 pulak dia ni ashebuk nak masuk asrama, katanya ibu suruh HAHAHA. And aboleh pulak dapat dorm yang sama lepastu acah acah plan nak tidur katil sebelah puih puih benci kita :< Since kita dapat dorm yang sama kot kita start rapat ha gituuu..... belajar sesama, nak prgi mandi sesama tapi lain level kahkah paling penting pergi sekolah pun nak sesama hek eleh pikir sweet? :PP And know.....we are not in the same place :(( sadly! Youre at KL while me Melaka ;(( Tapi i redha je asalkan yu tetap dihati i hok aloh.
Good luck with your studies! I love you more than you know. Please stay with me forever until our last breath. You are the person who never gets tired of listening to my own pointless dramas over and over again. Ans always remember that if u fall, i will pick you up. I absolutely love you!!!!!!
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